Architecture for people’s life consists of three elements which can not be separated: the “Essential spaces”, the “A nature-like environment in an artificial manner” and the “Code of conduct”.
Target users: Varied from one individual to one family and more broadly to a community, from vulnerable people in disaster-hit areas, poor people in mountainous to disadvantaged communities in urban and rural areas.
Content: "essential spaces" in the field of Education–Healthcare at grassroots level, Family housing, and Open community space, which corresponds to the three basic human needs: Physiological; Safety; Love/belonging.
Features & Components: Modularized architecture for simplicity; Flexibility; Low cost. These "essential spaces" are made up of "practical materials" with appropriate construction technology and with people participating from the beginning to the completion of the projectand upgrading process during its use.
Code of conduct: Behavior that makes life of individuals and communities become adaptive to situations, not only to survive but also to develop. Architecture is therefore supposed to co-exist in the long run with People and Environment, and remain adapted to each specific climate and culture, taking advantage of the benefits and responding to the disadvantages. A general principle is that: Architecture means the creation of artificial structures in a natural way.
- Education – Health
- Modular house
- Friendly space